Creating a Quick Home Sale

Creating a Quick Home Sale

How To Create A Beautiful Backyard

by Lillian Bishop

If you are planning ahead for your spring and summer landscaping, you have time to plan something that will look like a picture from a gardening magazine. Consider dividing the yard into sections that will serve different purposes.

A Grassy Area - Think of making one area of your backyard into a play area for your children or grandchildren. If you're not sure what kind of ground cover to select, consider talking to an expert at your extension service. That individual will tell you which ground covers work best in your area of the country, including which ones are easiest to maintain and which ones require less water. You'll be thankful for that when your water bill arrives. When you select the ground cover, think of activities that children will enjoy. You could even use more than one kind of ground cover. For example, one section of the yard could have short ground cover which will be good for croquet, horse shoes, and miniature golf. Another section might have longer grass that is also more dense and that invites rough and tumble games like dodge ball or keep-away.

A Garden Spot - Another idea is to plant a vegetable and flower garden in one area of the backyard. Including beautiful rocks and even a tiered water fountain in this part of the yard would add interest to the backyard. Think of planting vegetables like eggplant, asparagus, and kale right along with different plants like ferns, succulents, mosses, and flowering plants such as geraniums and nasturtiums. A whimsical touch would be to have a corner with low-lying plants that are conducive to children making a fairy garden.

Lawn Sprinklers - Because winter is on its way and you may only be in the beginning stages of planning your backyard, it may be hard to conceive of how tiresome it is to hand water a large backyard area. In addition, hand watering is expensive and inefficient. Before you even do your planting, think of buying underground lawn sprinklers that will do your watering for you. The great part about today's sprinklers is that you can set them on a timing system which will make them turn on and then turn off at designated times. 

Even if you install lawn sprinklers, think about also purchasing cute watering cans that kids can handle so they can help to care for the flowers and vegetables in the garden spot. Go to website for more information.


About Me

Creating a Quick Home Sale

One of the things that helped sell my home quickly, at least according to my real estate agent, was the time I spent fixing up the landscaping. I knew about the importance of eye appeal, but who would have thought that something as simple as a storage shed or a backyard veggie garden could make such a big difference in the sale price of a home, and the length of time it takes to sell said home? Well to prove that my landscaping techniques worked, I helped three friends sell their homes using some of my tips and tricks. It seems to have worked, because every one of them were able to fetch their asking price and sell before their goal deadlines. So, I figured I should help others out there who could use a little help in the home selling department… hopefully you'll find inspiration on the pages here.

