Creating a Quick Home Sale

Creating a Quick Home Sale

4 Ways To Find More Storage In A Small Space

by Lillian Bishop

If you live in a small space or are downsizing to a smaller home, you may constantly be worried about where to put all of your things. If you don't have a home with a basement or an attic where items can be stored away, then you have to look elsewhere for ways to keep your home clutter-free. Here are four ways to find areas in your home that can serve as storage spaces and how to make them work:

Look for Empty Spaces

Empty spaces in the home make for the perfect storage place. With a little bit of creativity and resourcefulness, you can find these empty spaces and turn them into some excellent storage areas. For example, if you have a small space in between the wall and refrigerator in your kitchen, you (or a professional contractor) can build a shelf that will roll in and out of that cubby space. It can hold canned goods, pantry items, spices, etc. Another great option is if you have windows that are somewhat low to the floor. You can use this space to create a storage bench. You'll be able to use this area to sit and read a book and store your belongings.

Make Use of Vertical Space

Vertical space is all over your home and it is often the most under-utilized. You can add an old window shutter to the space and use it as a mail, art and picture holder (with the help of a few clothespins). A hanging rack can be installed in the kitchen to hold pots and pans, while hooks can be installed in the entryway for backpacks, coats, scarves, purses, etc.  

Add Shelves

Shelves can always help add more storage space in your home, regardless of its size, and it's easy to do. In the bedroom, if you don't have room for a nightstand, you may want to consider a small shelf beside the bed that is big enough for your alarm clock, glasses, cell phone, etc. In the bathroom, you can add a shelf directly above the door to hold extra toiletries, towels, etc.

Utilize Under-Sink Space

There isn't a lot you can do in cabinets directly beneath the sink. However, with the right installation, you can do more than you think. You can install a closet rod or a piece of PVC pipe and immediately have somewhere you can hang your cleaning bottles, which frees up the bottom of the cabinet for a couple of baskets that can be used for sponges, scrubbing brushes, etc. Another idea is to take the lids of glass jars and superglue or nail them to the very underside of the cabinet. You can then store small items, such as Q-tips, bobby pins, etc. in them and simply twist the jars into the lid. 

Hire local movers, like Palmisano Ralph Movers, to help you move out anything that still won't fit into your smaller space.


About Me

Creating a Quick Home Sale

One of the things that helped sell my home quickly, at least according to my real estate agent, was the time I spent fixing up the landscaping. I knew about the importance of eye appeal, but who would have thought that something as simple as a storage shed or a backyard veggie garden could make such a big difference in the sale price of a home, and the length of time it takes to sell said home? Well to prove that my landscaping techniques worked, I helped three friends sell their homes using some of my tips and tricks. It seems to have worked, because every one of them were able to fetch their asking price and sell before their goal deadlines. So, I figured I should help others out there who could use a little help in the home selling department… hopefully you'll find inspiration on the pages here.

