Creating a Quick Home Sale

Creating a Quick Home Sale

  • What Is The Proper Way To Store Electronics?

    When you store your items in a self-storage unit, you may find that some are trickier than others. While you know how to store plastic storage bins and wooden furniture, electronics require some extra steps. The humidity and moisture in a storage unit can make it hard on your televisions, stereos and computers, so it is important that you follow these tips for storing them properly. Choosing the Right Storage Unit

  • Bring A Portable Water Heater On Your Camping Trip

    If you are going camping with your family, consider bringing a portable water heater with you. Portable water heaters are convenient, affordable, and versatile. You will feel more at home with a steady supply of hot water that can be used for a variety of reasons. Personal Hygiene Don't forgo bathing or partake in using public bathrooms that make you uncomfortable. With a portable heater, you can bathe in a private setting.

About Me

Creating a Quick Home Sale

One of the things that helped sell my home quickly, at least according to my real estate agent, was the time I spent fixing up the landscaping. I knew about the importance of eye appeal, but who would have thought that something as simple as a storage shed or a backyard veggie garden could make such a big difference in the sale price of a home, and the length of time it takes to sell said home? Well to prove that my landscaping techniques worked, I helped three friends sell their homes using some of my tips and tricks. It seems to have worked, because every one of them were able to fetch their asking price and sell before their goal deadlines. So, I figured I should help others out there who could use a little help in the home selling department… hopefully you'll find inspiration on the pages here.

