Creating a Quick Home Sale

Creating a Quick Home Sale

  • Spend More Time Outdoors Without Getting Sun-Burnt Using These Three Tips

    When the weather starts to warm up, it is hard not to want to spend more time outdoors. Unfortunately, you have to be careful about being directly out in the sun. Repeated exposure to the sun can cause age spots, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. It is important to protect your skin every time you walk out the door. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, and about one in five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their life.

  • Tips For Preventing Ants From Disrupting Your Outdoor Meals

    A backyard patio, deck or gazebo can be the ideal place to enjoy a meal with your family in the sun -- until the ants arrive and leave you grabbing your plates and scrambling indoors. Even if they aren't biting you, ants can be pests, and the emergence of food seems to alert every ant in the neighborhood. If you're facing chronic issues with ants or other backyard pests, it's worthwhile to call your local pest control service to investigate the specific cause of the problem and use different measures to keep the ants at bay.

  • Attach Kid-Friendly Shapes To Plain Drapes

    If your grandchild will be coming to stay with you for a few days and you want to enhance the plain drapes in the guest room where they will be sleeping, consider completing the following project. Felt shapes that look like tic-tac-toe pieces, dinosaurs, or another kid-friendly theme can be attached to plain drapes with self-adhesive hook and loop pieces, adding appeal that the drapes previously lacked. Materials laundry detergent ironing board iron stencils felt (several colors) sewing pins fabric pen scissors hook and loop pieces (self-adhesive) measuring tape Launder The Drapes And Cut Out Felt Pieces

  • 5 Reasons To Choose Hardwood Flooring

    If you are planning to remodel your home, you may be considering several different type of flooring, such as carpet, laminate flooring or hardwood flooring. Hardwood flooring is usually a great choice. Here are a few reasons why: Unique Patterns Unlike Berber carpet or laminate flooring, hardwood flooring offers unique patterns. Each plank of wood is individualized and will not repeat the same pattern as that of a different plank. This unique quality causes the hardwood flooring in your living space to be individualized.

  • Three Ways To Make Your Window The Focal Point In Any Room

    Windows aren't always considered the main attraction in a room, but with the right window dressings and draperies, you can create a dramatic look that makes your window the focal point in your space. If you are considering redecorating any room in your home, consider starting with the windows to instantly update your decor. Here are just a few options you can use to create truly breathtaking looks for your windows.

About Me

Creating a Quick Home Sale

One of the things that helped sell my home quickly, at least according to my real estate agent, was the time I spent fixing up the landscaping. I knew about the importance of eye appeal, but who would have thought that something as simple as a storage shed or a backyard veggie garden could make such a big difference in the sale price of a home, and the length of time it takes to sell said home? Well to prove that my landscaping techniques worked, I helped three friends sell their homes using some of my tips and tricks. It seems to have worked, because every one of them were able to fetch their asking price and sell before their goal deadlines. So, I figured I should help others out there who could use a little help in the home selling department… hopefully you'll find inspiration on the pages here.

